The bone China manufacturer tells you the characteristics of the ceramic water cup

The main raw material of ceramic water cup is mud, rather than rare metals, will not waste our living resources, will not pollute the environment, neither damage resources, and non-toxic and harmless. The selection of ceramic water cup reflects the understanding of environmental protection, the love of our living environment.

Ceramic water cup environmental protection, durable, practical, is the crystallization of earth, water, fire. Natural raw materials, combined with the power of nature and human science and technology, have created a large number of daily necessities in our lives. The invention of pottery is an important process of human civilization — it is the first time for human beings to use natural things and create a new thing according to their own will. It can be seen from the pottery fragments of the late Paleolithic Age found in Tangshan area of Hebei Province that the emergence of pottery in China has a long history of many years ago.

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Post time: Apr-04-2023


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